Insane Realm Productions is looking for Live DJs for all three of our radio brands including @Insane Realm Radio, Valley of Death Radio and IRR The Deuce Indie Rock Radio.
Experience is preferred but not required all you really need is the desire to share the music you love with our listeners.
While we prefer exclusively, we will consider the RIGHT syndicated show(s). What are the right shows? LIVE SHOWS!
About: Insane Realm Radio is a Hard Rock/Classic Rock/Metal Station featuring shows like The Women of Metal Radio Show, The Twisted Mind Radio Show and The Classic Rock Corner. Plus, syndicated shows Chrome and Metal with Silver and The Heads Up Rock Show.
About: IRR The Deuce Indie Rock Radio will feature primarily Indie Rock and Metal
About: Valley of Death Radio play nothing but METAL, all Sub-Genres including Death, Doom, Gothic, Symphonic, ETC.
We are looking for live DJ’s to perform on all three stations (your show must fit what we are doing) please feel free to submit your information at the link below. We will get back to you ASAP.